Logic Pro X

    دانلود برنامه Logic Pro X نسخه : 11.1.2 برای مک

    اسکرین‌شات 1 Logic Pro X
    اسکرین‌شات 2 Logic Pro X
    اسکرین‌شات 3 Logic Pro X
    Logic Pro X پیشرفته‌ترین نسخه منتشر شده از Logic می‌باشد. این نرم افزار یکی از کاربردی‌ترین نرم افزار‌های ممکن برای ترانه نویسها، آهنگ ساز‌ها و علاقه مندان موسیقی است که همهٔ نیاز‌های آنها را برآورده می‌کند. هم چنین این نرم افزار برای Mixing موسیقی‌های مختلف استفاده می‌شود. با قدرت خارق العادهٔ این نرم افزار و آلت‌های موسیقی بی‌شمار آن نظیر انواع طبل ها، کیبورد ها، گیتار‌ها و… می‌توانید هر موسیقی و آهنگی را با کمی وقت بسازید. تعداد این آلت‌های موسیقی به بیش از ۱۵۰۰ عدد می‌رسد که نیاز هر فردی را در موسیقی بر آورده خواهد کرد. هم چنین در این نرم افزار افکت‌های بسیاری برای میکس آهنگ‌ها وجود دارد که در هیچ نرم افزار دیگری مشاهده نمی‌شود.


    قابلیت‌های کلیدی نرم افزار Logic Pro X:
    - قابلیت ایجاد beat با Ultrabeat
    - قابلیت ضبط MIDI
    - قابلیت کوانتیزه نمودن MIDI performances
    - قابلیت ایجاد حلقه اپل
    - قابلیت ضبط اجرای زنده
    - قابلیت آهنگسازی در Score Editor
    - قابلیت میکس 
    - قابلیت اضافه کردن Reverb و delay
    - و… 

    Key features Logic Pro X: 
    - Ability to create a beat with Ultrabeat
    - MIDI recording
    - Use the quantized MIDI performances
    - Ability to create Apple Loops
    - Ability to record live performances
    - Ability to compose the Score Editor
    - The Mix
    - Ability to add Reverb and delay
    - And the…

    Powerful New Interface 
    - Consolidate and control multiple tracks or create rich, layered instruments with Track Stacks
    - Smart Controls allow you to manipulate multiple plug-ins and parameters with a single move
    - An enhanced Mixer lets you move, copy, and bypass channel inserts more efficiently
    - Quickly re-order song sections and try new ideas using Arrangement Markers
    - Autosave keeps your work safe and sound
    - See and edit more of your performances in the Score editor with a new wrapped view

    Professional Music Production 
    - Fix out-of-tune vocals and change the melodies of recorded audio with Flex Pitch
    - Manipulate the timing and tempo of any recording with ease using Flex Time
    - Record and seamlessly punch in and out of one or multiple tracks
    - Keep takes organized with take folders and build comps quickly with Quick Swipe Comping
    - Record automation for any channel strip or plug-in parameter on the fly
    - Create and mix music from anywhere in the room using Logic Remote on iPad
    - 64-bit architecture supports large projects containing hundreds of tracks and sampled instruments

    Drum Production 
    - Create drum tracks that play with your song using Drummer, a virtual session player
    - Choose among 15 distinct drummers that can take your direction and perform millions of unique grooves
    - Build your own kit with Drum Kit Designer using a diverse collection of deeply sampled, professionally mixed snares, toms, kicks, hi-hats, and cymbals
    - Produce electronic drum sequences with Ultrabeat

    Keyboards and Synths 
    - Instantly turn a simple chord into a rich performance with the Arpeggiator
    - Transform simple ideas into elaborate performances using nine MIDI plug-ins
    - Create classic ’70s- and ’80s-style synthesizer tracks using Retro Synth
    - Play faithful models of vintage keyboards with Vintage B3، Vintage Electric Piano, and Vintage Clav
    - Get inspired by a collection of synths that provide analog, wavetable, FM, and physical modeling synthesis
    - Play or create a wide variety of rich sampled instruments with the EXS24 Sampler

    Guitar and Bass Gear 
    - Build your own guitar or bass rig with Amp Designer using vintage and modern amps, cabinets, and mics
    - Design a custom Pedalboard from a collection of delay, distortion, and modulation stompboxes
    - Access the Tuner with just a click to quickly get in tune

    Creative and Production Effects 
    - Play your sounds through realistic acoustic spaces using Space Designer convolution reverb
    - Use a range of multi-tap, vintage tape, and stereo delays
    - Add movement to your tracks with a variety of modulation effects
    - Get the perfect mix with a variety of EQs, dynamics, and other mixing tools
    - Put the finishing touch on your project using a collection of mastering plug-ins

    Sound Library 
    - Over 1500 instrument and effect Patches
    - More than 800 sampled instruments
    - 30 urban and electronic drum machine Patches
    - 3600 Apple Loops in modern urban and electronic genres

    - Expand your instrument and effects library with third-party Audio Units-compatible plug-ins
    - Import and export XML to support Final Cut Pro X workflows
    - Export and share your songs directly to SoundCloud
    - Open projects from Logic 5 or later

    What's New in Version 10.3 
    Support for the Touch Bar on MacBook Pro
    - View your entire project at a glance and navigate with touch in the timeline overview
    - Adjust Smart Controls on the selected track to fine-tune the sound of instruments and effects
    - Play and record software instruments using a musical keyboard with piano keys or scale mode
    - Trigger drum pads to create beats while controlling velocity and note repeat
    - Access your favorite shortcuts using a set of customizable key commands

    Updated Interface 
    - New modern design with improved legibility in a variety of lighting conditions
    - Expanded color palette offers 24 more colors to label your regions, tracks and notes
    - Horizontal auto-zoom helps keep everything in view
    - New region editing design reveals waveform for entire audio file while trimming

    Audio Production 
    - Track Alternatives let you create and switch between different playlists of regions and edits on a track
    - Render any combination of effect plug-ins to a selection of audio using Selection-based Processing
    - True stereo panning provides more control and discrete manipulation of stereo signals
    - Apply fades across multiple regions at a time
    - 64-bit summing engine
    - Use 192 additional busses

    Additional Features 
    - Share to GarageBand option allows you to remotely add new tracks to your Logic project from your iPhone or iPad via iCloud
    - MIDI plug-ins can be used to creatively control plug-in parameters
    - Directly assign Software Instruments as sidechain sources
    - Import Music XML file

    تاریخ انتشار
    20 دی 1403
    لینک اپ استور
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